ACÁ Blog Community Guidelines

As contributors to the ACÁ Blog, we ask that you adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Respect and Diversity: We celebrate the diversity of our community and value all perspectives and experiences. Treat fellow contributors with kindness, empathy, and respect. Discriminatory language in the comment section of the blog will not be tolerated.

2. Adoptee-Centered Content: The ACÁ Blog prioritizes adoptee voices and experiences. When submitting content, ensure that it centers around adoptee narratives and perspectives. 

3. Authenticity and Transparency: We encourage honesty and authenticity in all submissions. Share your stories, reflections, and experiences openly and transparently. Misrepresentation or fabrication of experiences is not permitted.

4. Diverse Content Formats: We welcome a diverse range of content formats, including written blog posts, poetry, artwork, and video submissions. Feel free to express yourself in the medium that best suits your message and creativity.

5. Sensitive and Respectful Content: Some topics may be sensitive or triggering to members of our community. When addressing such topics, approach them with sensitivity, empathy, and respect for others' experiences. Content that can be deemed disrespectful, offensive, or harmful will not be posted.

6. Ownership and Copyright: Ensure that you have the necessary rights to submit content to the ACÁ Blog. Respect copyright laws and give proper credit to original creators when sharing content that is not your own.

7. Community Engagement: Engage respectfully with other contributors. Encourage constructive dialogue, ask questions, and offer support where needed. Collaboration and community-building are core values of the ACÁ Blog.

8. Moderation and Enforcement: The ACÁ Blog moderators reserve the right to review, edit, not post, or remove any content that violates these guidelines or is deemed inappropriate for our community. 

By contributing to the ACÁ Blog, you agree to abide by these guidelines and uphold the principles of our community. Together, we can create a vibrant and supportive space where adoptee voices are heard and valued.

Thank you for being a part of the ACÁ Blog community!

Note: These guidelines are subject to updates and revisions as needed to maintain the integrity and inclusivity of the ACÁ Blog community.


Welcome to the Alianza of Colombian Adoptees (ACÁ) Blog, a space dedicated to amplifying the voices and experiences of Colombian adoptees.


ACÁ Blog FAQ’s